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Education – Biggest SCAM?

Education - Biggest SCAM?

As per my knowledge, experience, and current scenarios I have learned that people have great potential and ideas. They wanted to experience & explore new things. Most individuals are born with unique talents.

But why are most people at least unable to express themselves, unable to give lives to their ideas?

Children are getting programmed and crushed under cultural institutions which is killing their confidence and creativity.

These cultural institutions had established their private institutions to hypnotize/program the parents and society to get a formal education to get the “EDUCATED” tag and “JOB SECURITY” if they have these institutional cards called Degrees.

Thus private institutions are deep-rooted into society to grab parents’ hard-earned money through various marketing strategies.

Everyone knows how these institutions work. All these institutions are running on student payments and donations. If all parents join together and put their fees and donations in the bank, they can take ownership of these institutions and can change the education pattern that gives actual education to their children.

I asked more than 200 students and parents about the formal education they are pursuing. 99% of students & parents said that the institutions are looting money from us and not providing actual education.

Why are they still pursuing such degrees? Why are these parents still paying fees to these institutions?

Why does someone need a degree?

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